วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Using Pictures to Teach narrative Writing with Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Subject: Sixth Grade Language Arts - Segregation and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Time allotted: 90 minutes

Organization: large group

Objective: Students will demonstrate the insight of the components in a article by using pictures about segregation to write the narrative.

Student worksheet ready at http://www.trinaallen.com/rollofthunderstudent.html

Teaching Mode: Direct

Provision for individual Differences: Students are heterogeneously mixed. The compound of modeling by the teacher and students will help to meet the needs of the varying abilities in the classroom. This assignment is open-ended adequate for all students to find success "where they are" (Gardner, 2004).

Teaching Strategies: Some lecture, dialogue, modeling, discussion, group critique, planning.

Teaching Behavior focus: Focus will be as facilitator. Students will direct the chapter by creating the model used to demonstrate article writing.

Materials needed for this lesson:

oOne copy of a picture depicting segregation for each student-- ideally with larger copies ready for fine details.

oPaper- pencil

ooverhead, board and markers, or chalk

oGeneral classroom supplies

Lesson Activities:

Step 1. Anticipatory Set: (Motivation)

oAs review, ask students to write a definition of segregation. Volunteers will state their definitions. Write the definition on the board for students to refer to as they write their narratives. (Students should have read and discussed segregation and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry prior to this lesson).

oDistribute pictures depicting segregation- one to each student. Or ask students to bring pictures from Magazines that demonstrate segregation or reverse segregation. Hang several larger pictures on the wall so students can use them for greater detail.

oStudents will explore their picture individually for five minutes, writing details on the worksheet.

Note: Newspapers and Magazines are good sources of pictures for this chapter as well as the following online museum Web sites.

Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/news/jimcrow/index.htm

Norman Rockwell Museum http://www.nrm.org/

Online Tours of the National Gallery of Art http://www.nga.gov/onlinetours/index.shtm

Web Museum, Paris http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/

Step 2. Objective (Overview of studying outcomes to pupils):

Students will use pictures about segregation linked to their unit of study for Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry to:

odemonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of article writing by writing a narrative.

odemonstrate connections in the middle of images and words by using article writing to build insight of content.

ouse detailed vocabulary in writing their text.

Step 3. Presentation (Input) of information:

Students will relate the following characteristics of article writing as a whole class: developing plot, character and setting using definite detail and ordering events clearly using chronological order.
Direct students' attention to one picture on the board. As a whole class have students brainstorm inherent events and characters this picture illustrates about segregation. Place the words or phrases under the following headings on the board as students share their ideas. Have students fill this information in on their worksheets.

Characters Setting Situation Feelings Vocabulary

Step 4. Modeling/Examples:

Use one character from the class table. Model writing a article on the board from the character's point of view by calling on students to give the details. Encourage students to relate the picture and to construct an primary story linked to the segregation descriptive in the picture. decree as a class either to tell the story that leads up to the picture, or to relate the events that ensue the picture. Write events in chronological order on the board as well as including the character's feelings and thoughts.

Step 5. Checking for Understanding:

Have students value the story written on the board that they created by checking the blank before each element of article writing that they find in the class story about segregation.

1. _____ One character's point of view.

2. _____ Details about the character .

3. _____ Details about the setting.

4. _____ Details about the situation.

5. _____ The story was in the definite chronological order.

6. _____ The article contained feelings and thoughts.

Circulate as students work to check for understanding. Call on students to share their estimation to be sure all students understand the content.

Step 6. Guided Practice:

Using the picture that they were assigned (or the one they brought from Home) students will brainstorm inherent events and characters by filling their ideas in the same table used in step 3:

Characters Setting Situation Feelings Vocabulary

Circulate to check for understanding.

Step 7. Independent Practice:

Have students choose one character from the table and write a article similar to the one modeled for them in step 4 from that character's point of view. Students will construct an primary story linked to the segregation descriptive in the picture. They will decree either to tell the story that leads up to the picture, or to relate the events that ensue the picture. They will write events in chronological order and write about the character's feelings and thoughts.

Step 8. Closure:

Students will be evaluated using the same rubric used in step five, Checking for Understanding. Refer students to that estimation rubric and ask students to give the example from the story previously written on the board to account for each area from the rubric. The stories can be assigned as Homework or completed as class work as per the preference of the teacher.

Note: This chapter is modified from Gardner, T. (2004). A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words: From Image to Detailed Narrative, from http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=116.

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