The power of words cannot be over estimated. They are the most considerable things in existence.
God created us to be like Him. He made us to be speaking creatures with the quality to cause change through the power of our words. Everybody lives under the power and work on of words. Words in fact operate all in this realm and in the Eternal Realm.
The manner of life that you are living, distinct or negative, has been brought about by words spoken to you and over you, or that you spoke over yourself, words that were view upon and accepted. These words formed an inner image on the inside of you. By inner image, I mean the way that you view yourself and life in normal on the inside, in your heart and mind.
Please understand, you speak and live out what is in you in abundance.
The health of your heart and mind determines what you think, how you speak and how you live and treat yourself and other people.
Proverbs 4:23 (King James Version of the Bible)
"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."
The word, keep, means to guard. And the word issues, means, out-flowing. So this verse of Scripture is telling us, to guard what we allow to get into our hearts, for we will live it out. Why is this so? Because words paint pictures. They paint pictures inside of us, in the subconscious area of our souls. And from these inner pictures, we live our lives.
If negative, abusive and destructive words have been spoken to us and we have allowed these words to take form and establish in us and believed them, we are living under their control.
However, if we choose to cast down those words and throw away those paintings, and choose to let God's Word paint new pictures of love and wholeness, purity, prosperity and quality in us, we will find a new way of living.
Here is an example of the power of negative words: Some time ago, I sang in church pretty often. I loved to sing, and still do. And habitancy enjoyed when I sang. But one day, person that I respected told me that I could not sing. This produced in me an inner image of failure in the area of singing. I stopped singing. And when I was asked to sing, I would make excuses so that I didn't have to sing.
All I could seem to see was what that person told me. One of my pastors saw me backing off. She attempted to pull me back into singing. Also, other habitancy who had a musical background and had heard me sing before begin to paint someone else image inside of me, with distinct inspiring, motivating words. They encouraged me by telling me I could sing. So I began singing again, reluctantly I might add.
It took a long time, years in fact to get pass that negative and destructive view that had been planted as a seed and produced a photo of inability, fear and unproductiveness.
On the other hand, her is an example of how good, wholesome and distinct words produced after their kind: I continually speak good and distinct words to and over my children. through the application of these kinds of words my son, Sheldon Jr. Achieved a four-point grade average.
At this writing he is eight years old.
I remember one time when he came to me and ask me if he was stupid. I told him that he was not stupid. I told him not to let anything tell him that. And I told him that he was a smart boy.
I feed his mind with the words, "You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you"
He believed those words.
And through the avenues of distinct thinking, based upon God's Word, and help from his mum in his studies, he achieved excellence. And he will get better.
Parents, what are you telling your children.
Oh be true what you feed the minds of your child. Make sure you are not feeding them with a destructive mindset of negativism and limitation.
Feed them truth from God's Word about themselves so that they can see themselves in the light of truth, God's Truth, and act accordingly.
Words will form their inner self, distinct or negative.
Let me give you someone else vivid photo of the power of words and their work on upon the hearts and minds of people.
It is sad, but true that many young habitancy have gotten caught up in some very negative and destructive habits and behaviors.
I remember when this trend started to establish some serious problems in our land.
People started throwing blame all over the place.
Some blamed the parents.
Some blamed the teachers.
Some even had the audacity to blame the church.
But very few in fact settled the blame where it in fact belonged.
We must remember that we all have an enemy named satan.
He is an evil foe that does not care about anyone. His one intent is destroying mankind.
The enemy has come against this generation through the negative work on of destructive thoughts.
Of procedure he has been using habitancy to plant these negative images in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls. And he still does.
He has private these destructive seeds in things that we think are okay, when in reality, they are painting some very hurtful and ungodly pictures right in the heart of our imaginations.
These destructive thoughts are arrival in the form of words and images, through the television programs and music that we watch and listen to which dishonors God and His Word.
Think about the amount of violence, murders, foul language, illicit sex, witchcraft, gambling, adultery and drugs that are in the music and the television programs that our young habitancy are watching and listening to constantly.
Oh there is nothing wrong with this music, they say.
Yes something is wrong with it.
It has painted and is painting some very negative and destructive view patterns in people's minds and they are acting them out big time.
Everybody lives out what is in their hearts and minds in abundance, distinct or negative.
Well, if satan can use negative and destructive words to paint negative and destructive pictures in the heart of people, so that they can live them out and destroy themselves and others, doesn't it stand to fancy that if God Almighty can get His distinct and considerable thoughts on the canvas of our imaginations, He can change our lives and give us a great self image that will furnish joy, inner peace and victory in our lives.
If the enemy can use words of lust, perversion and violence to form the inner image of mankind, resulting in habitancy becoming in their palpate what they think, how much more will the Word of God establish a god-like character of wholeness, purity and productivity in our lives through the process of meditation.
God's Word is alive.
God's Word has transforming power.
The word, transform means: to change from one form to another. (And in the context of this book, we are indicating that change to be for the better).
So God's Word is able to give you such a new and glorious and considerable inner image that you will in fact change in your manner of life.
Words form and generate the inner image and furnish a lifestyle after their kind.
That is why it is so prominent to be true what you hear and what you speak.
Words are seeds. And your heart is the ground in which the seeds are planted.
If the wrong seeds of despair and inability were planted they will furnish after their kind.
However, God's Word is considerable seeds of truth that can up-root the bad seeds and furnish astounding fruits in our lives.
Through the affirmations of God's Word, we see ourselves and our conditions from His perspective and we are enabled to change things as His Word changes us on the inside.
At one point in my life, I felt like I was a failure. It just seemed like I had not finished anything considerable with my life.
And I was constantly plagued with the view that I was a nobody.
It was depressing.
But thank God for His Word.
Through affirming His Word over my life regarding the reality that I am a child of God, I rose above the depression that tried to hold me down.
You see, God is my Father. And because I belong to Deity, the one thing I am not is worthless.
I am His Child filled with His power, His Spirit and His Ability.
I am created for good works in Jesus Christ.
That means I am created to do some good things.
And so are you.
Ephesians 2:10 (King James Version of the Bible)
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, unto good works, which God had before ordained that we should walk in them."
You are created to do good things. You are created to achieve awesome things.
Affirm this Word from Your Father, Jehovah God, over and over until it forms an inner image of success and victory on the inside of you.
Let it wash away those destructive thoughts of worthlessness.
God's Word in your heart, changing and shaping your mind in the light of His Truth, will change you.
Change your mind through the power of meditation, and change your life.
Let the process begin today.
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